About Me



online consulting 

Hi, I’m Abegael.

As a Nutrition Therapy Practitioner, I believe that there are specific fundamental factors that must be in balance to achieve optimal health. The Nutritional Therapy Association refers to these six factors as “The Nutritional Foundations” which include the following: Nutrition, Digestion, Blood Sugar Regulation, Fatty Acids, Mineral Balance, and Hydration. Although these Nutritional Foundations are my primary focus when working with clients, there are other areas that should be addressed as well. Healthy lifestyle choices like sleep, relaxation, stress management, movement, and social support all affect one’s health.

When it comes to nutrition and health, there is never a one-size-fits all approach  for everyone. We are all bio-individual and what is optimal for you may not be optimal for someone else. As your practitioner, I will work with you to address your functional needs, concerns, and help you achieve your health goals. My approach is tailored to each client’s needs, lifestyle, activity level and stress level. I will meet you where you currently are so we can build together.

my services

How It All Works Together

My philosophy and approach to helping my clients is to focus on improving the foundations. The key is viewing the body as one unit, and helping clients understand that every foundation affects the other. We must go beyond only seeing the symptoms, which is your body communicating to you that something is wrong. We need to acknowledge those symptoms and quickly move on to the root cause. This is how we strengthen the foundations, allowing us to reconnect with our body as a whole.

Private Consultations

Discuss symptoms and areas of concern that need additional support. Compile extensive client research. Set obtainable goals and generate a guided health plan.

 Meal Planning

Create well balanced, nutrient-dense meal plans for clients. Introducing new recipes and therapeutic foods to support a healthy immune system and overall functional needs.

Stress Management

Educate how stress impacts the body overtime. Work together to determine new avenues for stress relief.